This is a new format for the blog! If you all like it, I will do it more often!
Tony Riches has just come out with Katherine – Tudor Duchess. You all know Tony – the Welshman who gave us the Tudor origin story in his Tudor Trilogy (Owen was book one, Jasper was book two, and Henry was book three), then several standalones like The Secret Diary of Eleanor Cobham and Warwick: The Man Behind the Wars of the Roses. After that he moved a little later in the Tudor era for his Brandon Trilogy, starting with Mary – Tudor Princess, moving on to Brandon – Tudor Knight and now Katherine – Tudor Duchess . It looks ah-mazing. He has agreed to offer my subscribers the chance to win a copy: he’s offering one paperback and three mobi copies for Kindle (first winner picked will get first choice, then on down the line). All you have to do to enter is to comment below before midnight on Sunday, October 13th – you don’t even have to be a long-term fan, you can subscribe now to become eligible. Good luck to all!
Attractive, wealthy and influential, Katherine Willoughby is one of the most unusual ladies of the Tudor court. A favourite of King Henry VIII, Katherine knows all his six wives, his daughters Mary and Elizabeth, and his son Edward.
When her father dies, Katherine becomes the ward of Tudor knight, Sir Charles Brandon. Her Spanish mother, Maria de Salinas, is Queen Catherine of Aragon’s lady in waiting, so it is a challenging time for them all when King Henry marries the enigmatic Anne Boleyn.
Following Anne’s dramatic downfall, Katherine marries Charles Brandon, and becomes Duchess of Suffolk at the age of fourteen. After the short reign of young Catherine Howard, and the death of Jane Seymour, Katherine and Brandon are chosen to welcome Anna of Cleves as she arrives in England.
When the royal marriage is annulled, Katherine’s good friend, Catherine Parr becomes the king’s sixth wife, and they work to promote religious reform. Katherine’s young sons are tutored with the future king, Prince Edward, and become his friends, but when Edward dies his Catholic sister Mary is crowned queen. Katherine’s Protestant faith puts her family in great danger – from which there seems no escape.
Katherine’s remarkable true story continues the epic tale of the rise of the Tudors, which began with the best-selling Tudor trilogy and concludes with the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
Again – leave a comment below to be entered – I’ll pick the winner from among the subscribers on October 13th . And PS If you want more information about Tony or his books please visit his website tonyriches.com or his blog, The Writing Desk (you can also find him on Facebook and Twitter @tonyriches)
Good luck!
Sounds amazing – the things she would have witnessed would have been fascinating!
I know! Lookin forward to this one!!
What a wonderful early morning discovery! I descend from Catherine Parr’s sister, from Henry thru’ several mistresses, and am a Willoughby; so it’s like starting out my day surrounded by family!
I would love to read Tony’s books and must find them all. Thank you for the chance to win one. I hope your day is as great as you’ve already made mine!
Warm Regards,
How lovely! Thank you and good luck!!
This looks like another great book by Tony Riches! I’m a big fan of his and would love a copy of his latest book.
Good luck!
Yours was the first name drawn – you have the option of a mobi copy or the paperback! Let me know which you choose….either way please email me at janetwertman@yahoo.com so we can work out delivery!
Katherine sounds fascinating, but I wonder about describing a young child as one of the king’s “favorites.” Isn’t that word commonly understood to be loaded with sexual innuendo? Be that as it may, I like the intrigue of religious danger. I’ve read lots about Henry’s reign but usually think of Catholics as the people in danger. But of course Protestants would be fearful during Catholic Mary’s reign. This book should be most intriguing.
Rumors were he considered putting Katherine Parr aside to marry her….though she was older then. Still, I did draw the inevitable comparison to Catherine Howard in The Path to Somerset….
But yeah, you have to close your eyes to ages in Tudor Times….
Looking forward. A neglected figure in history!
Very interesting. Would love to read the book. Even better if I win one.
It’s great that authors are researching the “minor” characters in the Tudor enterprise. Eventually we’ll have a grand mosaic revealing many more aspects of 16th Century England.
Hi Janet!
I’m a relatively new subscriber and I LOVE all your articles and those of your guests. I knew nothing of Katherine Willoughby but she sounds very, very interesting! She was certainly in the thick of things, wasn’t she?! Thanks for the opportunity to possibly win the book. 😉
Best regards.
Aww, thank you and good luck!
My favorite book club is reading this one! I’m looking forward to reading it. At the moment, I’m reading and enjoying his “Secret Diaries of Eleanor Cobham” book.
Ooh, good luck!
Omment and boy do i have alot of winter / hybernation reading to do!
wow sounds like a good read !!! don’t know to much about her but id love to know more!!!!!
Woo! You are a winner! You were the second name chosen, so technically you win one of the mobi copies…but I haven’t heard back from the first name chosen so there is a teensy chance you might get the paperback. Please get in touch with me at janetwertman@yahoo.com and we’ll take it from there!
This sounds very interesting. I enjoyed Tony`s book about Charles Brandon. Would love to give this a read.
Sounds good.
It sounds great! I’ve never heard of her before, so it would be all new.
I really enjoyed Brandon Tudor Knight and look forward to reading more by Tony Riches.
This books excites me! I’ve only read passing references to Katherine in my non- fiction reading and I’m curious to see how much is fact and how much fancy.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this!
Would love to read this .
I love anything to do with the tudors, I have and still am looking through my family tree, on my maternal grandfathers side it shows that katherine howard is my 1st cousin 15 times removed and Ann Boleyn is also related…
So anything about the tudors is fascinating…
I love Tony’s books xxxx
Regards Lorraine xxx
Oh my word, what a fab offer!! Love Tonys work.
Hi! Congrats! You were one of the winners! Please get in touch with me at janetwertman@yahoo.com so I can send you your mobi copy!
This is exciting! Read the first two books in Brandon series – would like to know more about Katherine.
Hi! Congrats! You were one of the winners! Please get in touch with me at janetwertman@yahoo.com so I can send you your mobi copy!