The not-quite-eighteen-years-old Henry had come to the throne on April 22nd – and in just two months he had quickly established his authority. Within days,…
All Tudor, all the time...
The not-quite-eighteen-years-old Henry had come to the throne on April 22nd – and in just two months he had quickly established his authority. Within days,…
Thank you all for being part of my Tudor world; thank you for your feedback and shares. I wish you a happy, healthy, and meaningful…
I admit, the title is somewhat misleading: technically, Hanukkah was not celebrated in Tudor England because Jews had been expelled from the land some 300…
Yeah, I know that the first Thanksgiving was not until 1621, after the last of the Tudors (Elizabeth) had died – but it was within…
Tudor Christmas Gifts – proving that the frantic search for the perfect present is not at all a new phenomenon…