The not-quite-eighteen-years-old Henry had come to the throne on April 22nd – and in just two months he had quickly established his authority. Within days,…
All Tudor, all the time...
The not-quite-eighteen-years-old Henry had come to the throne on April 22nd – and in just two months he had quickly established his authority. Within days,…
Just under a month after the death of Henry VIII, his nine-year old son Edward VI was crowned King of England. Because of Edward’s youth,…
For more than a hundred years, Agnes Strickland was considered the ultimate source…but now we know better how she got a bunch of things wrong…
This was such a huge time for England, the triumph of the people over an attempted coup – the only time since the Battle of…
Fifteen-year-old Francis II had become King of France two months earlier, upon the death of Henri II (killed in a jousting accident – read about…
The Records of the Lord Chamberlain show that Edward’s public funeral resembled Henry’s own (though Henry’s bier traveled from Whitehall to Windsor while Edward’s went…
Yes, yes, I have already written about the wonderful pomp surrounding Anne Boleyn’s actual coronation – but the formalities began several days earlier – specifically,…
Created by King Edward III in 1348 in homage to the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, the Order of…
For two weeks after Henry VII died, his body remained at Richmond. Masses and dirges were performed around him while preparations were finalized for the…
Henry would be quite annoyed to know that his resting place in the Quire of St. George’s Chapel at Windsor is marked only by a…